Product Release: Version 6.2

New Look, New Features, and More

At Bid Beacon, we know the importance of a great first impression, and we also knew we could do that better! We’ve spent some time with refreshing the auction appearance for our clients (and more importantly, THEIR clients, the bidders).

What’s New with 6.2?

Check out the list of awesome new things you can do with Bid Beacon effective immediately:

Branding: Choose your Colour

Auctions with branding applied will now have the option to look like YOUR auction, not like Bid Beacon with a splash of you. 

Now, with custom branding, you can pick a colour from your brand, and set the theme of the auction with that. We could say more, but why not just show you how it looks!

Online Raffle Connection

We know that fundraising events rely on many methods to reach their goals. Raffles remain one of the leading ways to raise funds for non-profits, charities, and registered religious organizations.

Now, Bid Beacon auctions can be connected with Raffle Rocket, and guests will see a preview of your raffle items and be provided a link straight to the raffle to buy tickets. The same will happen on Raffle Rocket when raffle admins connect their auction to it! This allows cross promotion of the auction and raffle. Pretty slick!

Showcase The Action: Big Screen Presentation Views

Hosting an event with a big screen? Now, we have three featured screens that you can present live at your event:

  • Top Items by Value
  • Top Items by Bid Count
  • Items Most Recently Bid Upon

Live Item Invoicing

We know a lot of events have a mix of silent auction items and live items up for bid. Previously, Bid Beacon allowed you to share the live item to build awareness, but that was all.

Now, in addition to featuring that item in app, you can set the winners of live items, and invoice them through the app. Those bidders can even pay for their silent auction winnings at the same time as the live auction prize they won.

Proxy Bidding: Bid as a Guest

Not everyone can bid digitally, and with this feature, they won’t have to! Guests can now request that an auction admin bid on their behalf. Admins can navigate the auction as that guest, place bids on their behalf, and even checkout if that person ends up winning!

Auction Archiving

Tired of your auction dashboard being clogged up with test auctions and really old events? Now you can archive auctions you no longer want to see in your list. Change your mind and want them back? No problem, you can also unarchive them at any time. 

Additional Updates

While we were at it, we made a couple tweaks to improve some other functions in the app. 

  • Can now enable or hide the “total funds raised” tracker by either setting a goal or not. 
  • Sponsors now have their own dedicated screen and are also presented on every screen within the auction.

All features are available to current and future auctions – so no need to worry about upgrading your upcoming event (unless you want to get your hands on some of our premium features!).

Have a new feature idea?

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