KMG Events Golf Tournament

Enabling Event Planners To Move Their Fundraising Events Online

The Challenge

KMG Events wanted to move away from the traditional way of running silent auctions with pen and paper, increase engagement, and raise more money to support the Cross Cancer Institute. They wanted to achieve these goals at a golf tournament fundraiser they were hosting by making it easier for participants to bid on items all day long, not just while they were in the golf clubhouse at lunchtime. As a result, they chose to run their silent auction using Bid Beacon.

About the Client

KMG Events is an event management and strategic fundraising company, operating in a small team, collaborative environment. They work with their partners and clients, including Bid Beacon, to create memorable events and fundraising initiatives.

The Outcome

KMG saw a huge turnout of golfers participating in their auction. Most of the auction money was raised when participants were on the golf course versus when they were in the clubhouse. (Please note this auction was held in 2019 with a clubhouse dinner pre COVID-19).

The auction began several days in advance, allowing participants to view and bid on items as they were added. As seen in the graph below, the bidding really took off the moment people arrived at the golf course, and continued throughout the 4-hour tournament. There was also a large rush of bidding activity at the end of auction.

Graph showing bids increasing over time

The auction raised nearly $22,000, 74 items were auctioned off, and 134 golfers participated!

Auction items included: rounds of golf, restaurant gift cards, spa treatments, comedy club tickets, cooler bags, golf shirts, shopping sprees, distillery tastings, and succulent/plant packages.

The most actively bid items included hockey tickets, concert tickets, a wine and spirits tree, and tour + dinner package. Experience packages definitely draw the most interest and also the highest bid amounts. We’ve seen this before, and it probably has to do with people make an emotional connection with the prize, and the retail value of experience packages are not easily defined (as opposed to restaurant gift cards and retail items). We would definitely recommend including these types of items in your golf tournament auction.

Because of their positive experience, KMG have come back to Bid Beacon and continue to use our app for their fundraising events.

"Our clients loved it! We saw way more engagement and bidding than we would have with bid sheets, and an increase in funds raised. Our clients are excited to use Bid Beacon again for their next auction!"

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