Need help planning, hosting, or participating in a silent auction fundraiser? You’ve come to the right place!
Raffle Rocket is LIVE!
Take your fundraising events to greater heights with our online Raffle System.
A Simplified Silent Auction Template for Fundraising Success
A silent auction template is an effective tool to plan your event, boost bids, and reach your fundraising goals. Perfect for nonprofits, schools, and charities!
5 Awesome High School Fundraising Ideas
High school clubs and events need funding, but getting it can be a challenge. Organizing bake sales and bottle drives can be a lot of
Planning & Organizing a Successful Silent Auction
Silent auctions can be incredible fundraising opportunities for nonprofits and charity organizations, but planning and hosting them can pose numerous challenges. Sometimes, putting a silent
4 Ways Bid Beacon Makes Your Online Silent Auction Easy
One of the often-overlooked benefits of using a digital silent auction platform is the ability to have guests bidding on items both at the event AND from the comfort of their own homes. This means more people can participate, more eyes are on your auction items, and ultimately, more revenue can be raised for your cause!
Perfecting Golf Fundraising Events
Learn how to maximize funds raised at your charity golf fundraiser. Online silent auctions allow golfers to bid while they play, increasing bid and engagement!
Planning The Ideal Online Silent Auction
Whether you are planning your first ever online silent auction, or your 50th, there are many important things to consider in the planning. Number of
Your Guide to a Successful Digital Silent Auction
Run a Mock Auction Create an auction for free, add some fun items and invite your colleagues Use other tips in this document to help
What Is a Silent Auction And How Do They Work?
Silent auctions are often used by organizations and charities as a way to raise money for a specific cause. When most of us think of an auction,
KMG Events Golf Tournament
Enabling Event Planners To Move Their Fundraising Events Online The Challenge KMG Events wanted to move away from the traditional way of running silent auctions
Racine Christian School
Enabling A School To Move Their Fundraising Events Online The Challenge “Technologically challenged” staff at Racine Christian School (RCS) needed an easy, user friendly mobile