Invite Your Guests

From your event’s Overview screen, navigate to the Manage Guests tab.

On this screen, you can invite guests, filter your user list by guests, admins, waitlisted guests, and those who you have invited. You can also manage the access level and manually verify emails if your event requires email verification in order to participate. 

When clicking on the Invite Guests button, you will have the option to invite guests by email, from past events, or upload in bulk by importing a .csv file.

By Email

  • Enter one email address in the field provided
  • Click Add To List
  • Repeat for all users you wish to invite
  • Once you have completed your list, click Send Invites

    *To see what the invitation email looks like, send one to yourself first

Past Guests

  • Click on the dropdown list and select the past auction you want to invite from
  • A list of guests will appear from that specific auction
  • Uncheck the box next to a guest’s name if you do not wish to invite them
  • Once you’re satisfied with the guest list, click Send Invites


  • Enter the email addresses of your guests in a .txt or .csv file (one line per email)
  • Click Select File
  • Click on the red minus icon to remove an imported guest from the list
  • Once you’re satisfied with the guest list, click Send Invites
  • *Ensure there are no extra spaces in your file
  • Navigate to the Invited tab to view all recently invited guests

Share Your Auction

  • From your auction’s Overview tab
  • View Share your Auction! (or Marketplace if you created one). Copy the Auction Details Link and send it to your supporters via email, through your website, and on social media.
  • If your audience is familiar with the Bid Beacon app, sharing the Access Code is another way guests can join your event.
  • Click Save QR to download your auction’s QR code which can then be shared online, added to printed or digital materials like posters and programs, or simply placed around your venue.
  • Did you know, every auction item also has its own QR code? This is a perfect way to promote your most unique or high valued items to generate excitement. From the Manage Items tab, you can either Export All as PDF to receive QR codes for all your items, or you can edit individual items and click the Export as PDF button.